The time of trial has come for Ukraine, but also for us – Poles.
So we are starting a nationwide collection of medicines and medical supplies for Ukraine. Each institution, organization, company or private person can join our campaign in several ways:
If you are from Lublin, take the empty box from us and give it back to us when it is full. An indication of what drugs and materials are most needed in Ukrainian hospitals now is in the requisition list attached to this post.
If you are in any part of Poland, print the action poster attached to this post, stick it on your box, and when it is full, send it to us by courier or drive it with your car.
If you collect medications and supplies yourself, deliver them to us and we will sort them out and deliver them to Ukraine. Our helpline is available at the following number: +48 536 536 983.
If you want us to buy the necessary drugs and medical materials instead of You, make a transfer to the bank account of our Foundation for the Development of Central and Eastern Europe with the note “donation for help for Ukraine”.
Account number: PL 56 1140 2004 0000 3902 8044 4247 BIC: BREXPLPWMBK.
Join us – it’s high time to effectively save the health and lives of our Ukrainian heroes!